Punjab Cancer Registry
Cancer registration refers to the process of continual, systematic collection of data on the occurrence and characteristics details
“PCR” is an acronym for the Punjab Cancer Registry. PCR has been set-up by a group of enthusiastic professionals details


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The Punjab Cancer Registry was set up in February 2005 to determine the population level cancer statistics in the region. Initially, attempts were made to collect information on cancer patients from all over the province of the Punjab. However, effective July 1, 2008, the Registry started collecting data on cancers diagnosed and treated among the residents of the Lahore district. In 2014, the Registry expanded to four other districts of the Punjab including Faisalabad, Sheikhupura, Kasur, and Nankana Sahib.
  pcr goal

Once reporting is complete, data from the Registry can be used for monitoring the distribution of various types of cancers, thereby:

  1. For an early diagnosis program
  2. For organizing cancer control programs
  3. For planning patient care programs,
  4. For administrative purposes.
  PCR Mission

To monitor the distribution of cases of cancer among various demographic groups within the population, living in a specified geographic area, in a defined time period.

Following professionals are gratefully acknowledged for working on the International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (IICC)-3 collaborative project:
Dr. Alia Ahmad
Dr. Asif Loya
Dr. Farhana Badar

PCR Reports/News Items/Publications

Cancer in Faisalabad and Nankana Sahib, Pakistan: 2017-2019
Cancer Registration in Pakistan: a Reality Check.
PCR Report - 2023
BMJ Open-2021-Badar
PCR Report Sheikhupura- 2017-2019
JCPSP - 2020
Letter JAMC-2019
BMJ Open-2017-Badar
PCR Report - Population Based Cancer Registration
Cancer reg. in Pakistan-JCPSP